Friday, March 20, 2015

Destination Wedding - Rome

Destination Event - Rome

Years ago when I designed my first wedding for an Irish couple, I was amazed that 124 guests flew over from Ireland to attend the wedding.  It was even more surprising that this couple decided to have a wedding so far from home with so many guests.  My question was, “why get married in Rome?”.  The answer was, “if we get married at home we’ll have 300 guests and not know most of them”.  In addition they enlightened me about the weather in Ireland.  Rome is famous for its sunny days even when the temperature is low.  The weather makes Rome a preferred location for destination events.  When you add to that a panorama of history, good food and great wine, you will be happy you chose Rome.

After many years of working for couples from all over the world, I must say that it is very exciting work.  When  a couple chooses Rome it’s usually because they really want this city.  They tend to either have very clear ideas about what they want for their decorations or are very flexible and give me the freedom to create works of art for their wedding.
Here is a list of Suppliers who work in the English language which you will find extremely helpful when planning an event in Rome.  You will find that many local suppliers do not speak English and having someone who you can talk to and explain your dreams to will make all the difference in planning a wonderful, memorable event.  - group of English speaking suppliers for every need  -  Catholic Wedding ceremony – Orthodox wedding ceremony  - Maronite wedding ceremony – Catholic wedding ceremony  - lodging, rooftop ceremony and reception – Hair and make up  lodging, Ceremony and reception location – lodging, Ceremony and reception location (including garden wedding ceremony)
Remember you can always contact us for information…not just flowers.
Florally yours,