Monday, July 20, 2009

"The colors of Baroque"

Professional florists make a point of fueling their inspiration. They make an effort to update themselves on new techniques and trends. This is one of the main reasons why I always suggest to my clients and friends too, to chose a professional florist just as you would any other professional for your needs. Honestly, would you chose a hairdresser or chef who hasn’t had any training in their field? Chose a professional florist.

Here I am in a city 85 km from home taking a course. The theme of this course is the “Colors of Baroque”. This may seem unnecessary to Americans but here in Rome I often find myself in churches or Villas that are decorated in this period style. Understanding the period assures that my designs will successfully enhance their surroundings.

Learning has been made especially inviting since the course is being held in one of Fiuggi’s five star hotels. Just take a look at what we are seeing while we are listening to the instructor and designing our works of Baroque floral art.

Ahhh!! It’s great to be a professional florist.

Gotta go. Class is about to begin.